Volleyball Rules & Regulations

Please try to arrive early so the games can start on time. All matches are to start no later than 10 minutes after their scheduled time, forfeit of game will be against the team unable to play. Home team will decide whether they want to serve or court. 

Teams can have a max of 12 players on their roster 

All 3 games will be played for records and standing.

First two games are scored to 25 (win by 2, cap at 30). 3rd game will be played to 15 capped at 20

For a point to be scored the ball must travel between antennas and land in the opposing team's side of the court. Points are scored on every serve (rally scoring) 

Game Length
All games are schedueld for one hour
Each team is given one time-out per game. Time-outs do not carry over.

Playing Area
The entire marked court is considered within play. Balls played on the same side that hit the ceiling are considered in play. A ball that hits the ceiling travels to the opposing side of the net will always be considered out of play.
Lines are considered in play, a ball contacting the line will be called good.
Any obstruction outside of the playing court will always be considered out of play, except for the ceiling. 


Line-ups & Ratio
Coed formats are allowed to line-up however they would like. There is a minimum requirement on the court of 2 women.
CAN START WITH 5 (minimum of 2 women on the court)

Teams can only substitute on a dead ball.

Let the ref know when you will be subbing (Woman player must remain on court if not enough women players)

Server must wait for the referee to indicate play.
Server must serve from behind the back line.
A served ball that contacts the net and continues to the opposing side of the court will be considered in play.
Serve cannot be blocked or spiked directly back.

Serves may not be attacked.
No lifts or carry

Net Contact
No body party may make contact with the net at any time during the game.

Shirts will be provided to all teams

Age & Waiver
All players in the adult leagues must be 18+ with a signed waiver.
Roster checks will be done throughout the season to ensure all players have a waiver prior to playing their game.